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It's not like Rebekah muted him to avoid further nonsense spewing forth. Do we cooperate with the sword of the state in these cases? Joash shares from his wisdom and experiences fighting injustice around the world in this rich conversation.īy the way, Titus had to leave half way through the podcast. They talked about the tension faced when nonviolent Christians are faced with situations involving extreme oppression and abuse. The three guests were our very own Titus Kuepfer, Derek Kreider of the Fourth Way Podcast, and Joash Thomas, who is Canada's national director for the International Justice Mission, the largest anti-slavery organization in the world. Related Videos More Videos with PrestonParker HD.

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Today we are featuring a conversation that Rebekah Mui hosted over at the Kingdom Outpost. european big cock public outside jerking off gay jacking off gay masturbation masturbate amateur homemade preston parker big dick gay public washroom restroom preston parker jerkoff. Justice is such an important part of the restoration of God's rule on earth.

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